Lego manufacturing

Åsco Metall AB

There are many ways to manufacture products, and contract manufacturing is one of the most popular methods. But what is contract manufacturing, and why do so many companies choose to use it? In this article, we will take a closer look at DIY manufacturing, its benefits, different types of DIY manufacturing, and how to find the right DIY manufacturer.

What is outsourcing?

Lego manufacturing means that a manufacturer produces parts or whole products for other companies, according to their specifications and requirements. This means that the company ordering the parts can focus on its core business, while the manufacturer takes care of production.

Why do companies choose contract manufacturing?

There are several reasons why companies choose to hire subcontractors. Some of the most common reasons are:

Cost effectiveness: Lego manufacturing can often be cheaper than having your own production facility, as Lego manufacturers have greater economies of scale.

Expertise: Lego manufacturers are experts in their field and can offer high-quality products with fast delivery times.

Flexibility: Companies can easily adapt their production by hiring different subcontractors, depending on needs and demand.

Different types of contract manufacturing

There are several different types of contract manufacturing, depending on the methods and materials used. Here are some of the more common types:

Cutting processing

Cutting involves removing material from a workpiece by pressing a cutting tool against the workpiece. This can be used to create a variety of shapes and details. Machining is a common contract manufacturing method, and more information on this can be found at Machining.


Riveting is a method of joining two or more parts together using a rivet, which is a type of permanent fastener. There are different types of rivets, such as aluminum rivets and pipe rivets, depending on the material and use.


Turning involves rotating a workpiece while a cutting tool removes material. This is often used to create cylindrical parts and details.


Milling involves a rotating cutting tool removing material from a workpiece. This is used to create complex shapes and details, as well as to make holes and recesses in materials.

Important components in contract manufacturing

In contract manufacturing, there are many important components that are used to create finished products. Here are some examples:

Distance tube – Used to create space between two parts or to connect them at a specific distance.

Cylindrical sticks – Used to connect two parts and to ensure correct positioning.

Lock pins – Used to lock components in place, so they cannot move or come loose.

Support sleeves – Used to support and reinforce structures and to distribute loads evenly.

Advantages of contract manufacturing

There are many advantages to using subcontracting as part of your production:

Faster production: Lego manufacturers can often produce parts faster than if the company were to do it themselves, because they have access to specialized machines and tools.

Higher quality: Lego manufacturers are specialists in their fields, which means they can offer higher quality products than the company might be able to achieve on its own.

Scalability: By using contract manufacturing, companies can easily scale up or down their production depending on demand, without having to invest in their own production facilities.

Cost savings: Lego manufacturing can often be more cost-effective than having your own production facility, because Lego manufacturers have greater economies of scale and can offer better prices for materials and labor.

The Lego manufacturing process

The Lego manufacturing process varies depending on the type of product to be manufactured and the methods used. In general, the process involves the following steps:

Design: The company ordering contract manufacturing must first design and specify its product, including material selection, dimensions and any surface treatments.

Prototype: Before starting mass production, it may be necessary to create a prototype to ensure that the design works as it should and that all requirements are met.

Production: The Lego manufacturer then produces the parts according to the company's specifications and requirements. This may involve using one or more of the methods mentioned above, such as cutting, riveting, turning or milling.

Quality control: After production, the parts are carefully checked to ensure they meet the quality requirements specified by the company.

Delivery: Finally, the finished parts are delivered to the company, which can use them to assemble its products.

Quality assurance in contract manufacturing

Quality assurance is an important part of the contract manufacturing process. Lego manufacturers must follow strict quality standards and procedures to ensure that their products meet customer requirements. This can mean using advanced measuring instruments, testing and inspecting the products during and after production.

The contract manufacturing of the future

Lego manufacturing continues to evolve and adapt to new technologies and trends. In the future, we can expect to see even more automation in contract manufacturing, using robots and artificial intelligence to optimize production and reduce costs. In addition, sustainability and environmental impact will become increasingly important factors in the contract manufacturing industry, which means that contract manufacturers will need to adapt their processes and material choices to reduce their environmental impact.

An exciting world of possibilities

Lego manufacturing offers a world of opportunities for companies that want to produce high-quality products without having to invest in their own production capacity. By partnering with a contract manufacturer, companies can benefit from specialized expertise, faster production and cost efficiency. And with the constant development of technology and methods in contract manufacturing, there is no limit to what can be achieved in the future.
